15 October 2010

The Gambia - Killa Kololi

Well, our little trip to Micronesia didn't work out so well when the station went dark at midnight, huh? Time zones are so annoying. It sucks 'cause that was a pretty rad station. You ought toeck it out again another time. Pinky ended up having streaming problems (the radio, not prostate cancer) and gave up on streaming the previous day's show and just went back to that awesome Namibian station we heard recently.

Since some of us are already in Africa, how about if we just go ahead and ride up to The Gambia for today's trip.

Oooooo, tropical!

It's Africa's tiniest country at only 4,000 square miles. That's even smaller than Jamaica, which is pretty small. One time, Pinky rode a bus clear across Jamaica in a single afternoon. The driver blared Celine Dion the whole way and had coke spoon fingernails. Great hair though. 

Gambia's identity is dependent upon the river that runs through it. The tiny nation is literally built on the banks of the Gambia River. At the widest point, the country is still less than 30 miles wide. 

That river's brought them a lot of pain, though. Being nice and deep, (not to mention the only river in West Africa navigable by ocean-going vessels) the Brits were able to sail right in and set up a slave trade. In the end about 3 million people were forced into slavery. Their population today is less than 2 million. Woah. 

The current president Yahya Jammeh said that The Gambia "is one of the oldest and biggest countries in Africa that was reduced to a small snake by the British government who sold all our lands to the French." Ouch. 

Yahya Jammeh looks like he means business...

They've had a pretty stable democracy ever since independence, except for a coup attempt in the mid-90's.

Let's tune in and take a listen. They're supposed to be well-known in Western Africa for their exceptional music and dance. And, if this DJ ever shuts up, maybe we'll get to hear some tunes. 

Once you open the page, it will automatically start streaming... get ready!


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