What did you think of Norway? We really didn't expect to hear the auto tuned version of the "hide ya kids" guy, but what was really bizarre was the "Back to the Future 1" dialogue laid over the "Brokeback Mountain" guitar theme. Bizarre... All in all, it was a pretty decent station that wasn't dripping with global pop. We have to admit that the metal hour was a little trying.
OK, let's go to Romania today!
This is another one of those countries that Pinky has a weird obsession with. Pinky tried to get our friend Hart to learn this song. They didn't do so well. And, he basically just annoyed Kesi by singing it incessantly.
Pinky and Kesi had planned to rent a car and drive around the Transylvanian countryside, but ran out of time and weren't able to make it to Romania from Przemyśl. Sigh... Did you know that the only other Transylvania in the world is in our very own North Carolina? Fun fact, huh?
Anyway, there are parts of Transylvania that if you drive two miles off the highway, you'll be the only car and people will stare Stare STARE at you. Everyone out there still use horses. There are also supposed to be parts of it that don't even use currency! They just barter! Our friend Jess Wooten was in the boonies when she visited Romania a few months ago. We wonder if she saw any of that.
no cars here! just vamps!
Also, Pinky's brother has worked a few shows there and has spent a couple of weeks in the capital city of Bucharest (București). He took a Bucha-nap as soon as he arrived. He said you can get ANYTHING there. Prostitutes and coke dealers line the streets and no one gives a fuck. He wasn't a big fan of the country, but hates working in eastern Europe anyway. We've read in travel guides that you have to watch out for the roaming packs of dogs in Bucharest. Yikes.
ROAManian dogs. (Please, pardon the pun.)
They do have the largest civilian government building in the world though, a relic of insane communist (in name) dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu, a guy you should totally look up. He was executed during the violent revolution of '89, the only eastern-bloc country to do so to their leader, and boy did he have it coming.
*** Click here for an intriguing article by George Friedman with Stratfor Global Intelligence on the geopolitics of Romania and its options during the current Russian resurgence. ***
Palatal Parlamentului - it's GIANT! Anyway, enough about bands of wild dogs and crazy communists! Let's tune in to Bucharest!
For this station, go to the red section of the tool-bar area where it says "Live" and click the "high stereo" button. It seems a little hit and miss, so if this station ends up sucking, try this one instead:
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