17 December 2010

Belgium - We Finally Embed!

You guys have fun in Trinidad and Tobago? If it weren't for the DJ's it would've been good. What is it with horrible intrusive DJ's in the Caribbean?

OK, let's hop across the Atlantic and visit Belgium!

Ellen always gets Belgium mixed up with The Netherlands. So much for being a genius mastermind.

Pinky bought some tulip bulbs there once and brought them all the way back to the US in his luggage (which was/is probably totally illegal now that we think about it), but then he forgot to plant them. They hung on the wall forever and then got tossed in a corner and turned into this slimy mass of plant matter in the garage. Pinky really should have been a better steward. And, in his defense, he was 16 and folks don't really care about tulips all that much at that age. Now someone is gonna make a two-lips joke and we'll all laugh. Hahahahaha! Ok, shut up.

So, Belgium is famous for beer, chocolate, waffles, and french fries. We have compiled a small photo tribute to our more favorite famous Belgian items:

Uhhhhh, those last two are totally American... but are the only way most Americans experience Belgian delicacies. We're not proud.

Aaaaaanyway, here's a Belgian oldies station. There's no way they'll play Katy Perry, right? Right?! And, in case you forgot... w.e. h.a.t.e. k.a.t.y. p.e.r.r.y.

See you all on Monday!

PS: This embedded player isn't working. Boo. Try THIS!

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