Hoooo boy that Austrian station was GREAT, huh? There is a slight possibility that Ellen will never leave.
So, are you doing anything right now? Just putting pop tarts in the microwave with the wrapper on just to see the blue lightening and stink up the cafeteria? Quit being a douchbag, dude. Why don't you come listen to Costa Rican radio, instead. Pinky picked this station for the super gimmicky but totally fun web radio player thing, plus the music's pretty good.
orange you in love?
If you die there (or wen you die there), they bury you pretty much the day it happens. You can get embalmed, but it's really pricey. When someone dies, their close family and friends are called, and then they call the TV stations. A few times a day the TV stations cut into the broadcasts with soft music and scroll brief obituaries across the bottom of the screen. Everyone watches to see if they know anyone, and that's how you find out when folks die. Wild, huh? Imagine that you're sitting there, watching your soap opera, and suddenly you find out by scrolling obit that your ex died. That's way better than anything Days of Our Lives can throw at you.
when Ellen googled "costa rican death announcements television," this is what came up. and who are we to argue with google? we love your creepy flesh colored beard, spencer!!
Perhaps your ex died from bullfighting. Although bullfighting is still practiced in Costa Rica, the bull itself is rarely killed. They let a bunch of dudes into the ring and they fuck with the bull, pulling its tail and swatting his balls and all the other asshole things rodeo folks do to piss them off. At least they make sure that you're sober. They recently stopped letting the drunks do it. Gorings are still a regular occurrence, so at least the bull gets to win sometimes. Plus they get to go home at the end of the day and don't have some dude slicing their spinal cord. It's really a win-win situation.
what was that rule about drunks?
Ecotourism, canopy tours, blah blah blah, we've all heard about it and are jealous of everyone who's been.
So, grab your shades, sun block, long board and throw away your watch and let's head on to the capital, San Jose! We hope you enjoy the music!
don't get car sick watching that record spin...
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