11 November 2010

Egypt - We're Moving to القاهرة!

So Monaco ended up being so much better than we'd expected. Wouldn't you totally preset that station if it was in your town? Maybe we should get bigger radio antennae for our cars...

Let's continue our trip around the world via radio and head across the Mediterranean to Egypt! Pinky's grandparents and aunt lived in Cairo for a little bit before his mom was born. His folks still have a resplendent gold and blue-striped robe hanging in a closet somewhere that his granddad bought. Pinky tried it on a year or two ago and it was so weird to have it fit. It always dragged on the floor when he was a kid; he's always been awe-struck by that thing.

Anyway, Egypt is one of the biggest time bombs on the world stage today and pretty much no one is talking about it. Hosni Mubarak, the president, is edging into his 80's. And, after almost 30 years in charge, he's still averse to relinquishing any power. His son, Gamal Mubarak, wants the presidency but everybody hates him, including a lot of the folks in his father's administration. Although his ascension would be the easiest, he'd have to really bust some balls to do it.

When Mubarak kicks the bucket, there's gonna be a giant power vacuum from his three decades of stymieing opposition and accruing power. As the largest Arab nation and one of America's closest allies in the region, it's gonna be interesting to watch it play out. Will Gamal Mubarak take the presidency? He's a really good pouter. Like, he could go pro...

but i want the presidency now, daddy! i want it now!

The Egyptian constitution has been meddled with so much, it would be tough for another party to take power via election and Gamal will be sure to carry on the autocratic tenure of his father. Will former I.A.E.A. head Mohamed El Baradei figure out a way to viably run as a candidate in emergency elections? Will there be a benevolent military coup? An organic velvet revolution? Will the Saudis attempt to influence succession with all the Egyptian media companies they've been buying up? Who knows. Certainly not us. (although, secretly our money is on the organic velvet revolution)

Anyway, let's tune in and see what Egypt sounds like today. Our station today is based out of Cairo (القاهرة), the capital city. Cairo in Arabic is al-Qāhira, which means "The Vanquisher." We are totally jealous that we live in towns names Asheville (Village of Ashy people) and Charlotte (Town With No Creative Naming Abilities). Hopefully the music is just as awesome!

Hey look! We lasted this entire post without making a "Walk Like an Egyptian" joke!

oh hey! Ellen is Cleopatra and Pinky is Anthony! and, even though you can't tell, they're walking like Egyptians.



1 comment:

  1. They have a Facebook player!

