Did y'all enjoy Benin ? Good! Us, too.
Alright gang, let's head on over to theRepublic of Seychelles today! Gotta admit, this is one nation Pinky wasn't aware of, but don't they have a totally rad flag? Ellen totally knew about them because there is a shoe line named after this island nation. And, if there is one thing Ellen loves more than maps it's shoes.
Alright gang, let's head on over to the
totally rad!
let's get oriented.
The Seychelles elected a president but a coup quickly occurred and they became a one-party socialist state until the early 90's when a new constitution was enacted and democracy was reinstated. They've done pretty well since then, winning high praise and ranking as one of the top performers in African governance, even delivering adult literacy classes to significantly raise the literacy rate.
so blue!
Their economy is mainly based on tourism, but the government has been trying to branch it out into more stable industries. They do everything they can to preserve their fragile and unique environment. As a result, they've become a world leader in "sustainable tourism." Every project has to undergo an environmental review, which makes a lot of sense when you don't have a whole lot of land to start with. Looks like there is a lot worth preserving there. Totally awesome giant tortoises, unique plant and bird species, some of the largest seabird colonies in the world, and some pretty great reefs, too.
visit Seychelles? don't mind if we do!
What do you say we tune in and check it out. This is a French afro-centric station that's boosted to the islands, but with a population only a little larger than
we have a sneaking suspicion this is where Lord of the Flies took place.
So! Pack your SPF 50, your Wayfarers, and your drug store paperback and enjoy your weekend in the tropics! We'll see your sunburned faces on Monday!
Seychlles sucks! There was a drought! Water was so expensive!